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Humility recognizes that we need others around us and that together we are building the Kingdom of God.   It lives in the filter of the grace of God, which means we are favored and blessed by God, aware of His mercy and love, His power and majesty, vs my own finite understanding and perspective. Humility seeks understanding and nurtures relationships, both with God and with others. Humility grows in the soil of worship. As we encounter God He shapes us and transforms us.

Go read some more over at THE FEARLESS EXPERIMENT 


Check out my latest post over at The Fearless Experiment!


The voices in my head tell me everything that I don’t like about myself, the remind me of my flaws and failings.  They however are silent when it comes to reminding me what God says about me and His promises and unfailing faithfulness.

“Regardless of what you want to do or who you are, fear will always see you as wholly unqualified for anything you ever dream or attempt.” Jon Acuff

Fear is going to tell you you cant. It’s going to lie to you and make excuses so you stop in your tracks.

Fear and insecurity partner with the enemy to limit us and restrict us. To kill the dream.

But God is great.   He is good.

He wants us to rip that negative self talk out of our heads, to change the cd so to speak and to hear HIS voice of hope and faith and truth.


Let there be light, and there was.

God continues to speak and continues to create in our lives.

Our world is still being created by the power of God’s Words.

And as image bearers of God, our words have power to frame our worlds.

Our words speak life or death, hope or hopelessness, light or darkness. There are consequences for the words we choose and speak. Our words frame how confident we feel and how fearlessly we tackle life. They infuse courage into our actions and choices. They look past circumstances and instead hold on by faith to the faithful promises of God.


Come read more over at The Fearless Experiement


Come find me again over at A Fearless Experiment : Today is a fresh day. Fearless ones, remember your God is with you. He is the God of yesterday, today and tomorrow. In each season He is faithful. In each season He has purpose. Allow your hearts to stay fresh and open.



This week again you can find me writing over at The Fearless Experiment.

It is such an honour to lend my heart and words to this incredible platform.  Lindsay is an awesome wife, mother, speaker, writer and all round woman of faith.  She has created The Fearless Experiment to reflect her passion for people, esp women, to step out and live fearlessly in love with God and loving people, daring to stand up and daring to step out into great things with God.

When she asked me to write I felt so privileged and also so freaked.

This is me stepping out.  This is me out of the box and out of the out boat and out of my comfort zone.

But that is the beauty of it.

I get to live it.  I am daring.  I am putting my hand in the hand of God and though afraid, am doing it anyway.

I get to call myself fearless.


This week’s Fearless post is about not letting our history define our identity or limit our destiny.   I’d love you to go over and read.

Paul hasn’t swept his history under the mat, ignoring it, but he has settled it with God. He has faced forward into forgiveness which means his history no longer restrains him, so he can overcome and face forward into his destiny.  This one thing He does.  He chooses faith.  He chooses hope.  He chooses the grace of God.  He chooses to be fearless in the forgiveness that God abundantly offers us.

Take grasp of this radical truth: God does not love you because of your performance; He loves you because of your position as His child.  With God, our value has never being in question.

Fearless Ones, we are children of God; we are valuable, and God wants to pour His love out on each one of us in amazing, remarkable, personal ways. We have to believe what God says about us even more than what we think about who we are.

God loves us not for who we are but for who Jesus is in us. There is nothing we can do to earn His love. He loves us simply because we belong to Him.  Stop trying to earn God’s love by what you do and give thanks that He loves you just as you are— not some future, fixed up version of you, but you right now.


How are you living fearlessly today?

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May 2024