You are currently browsing the daily archive for May 29, 2013.

God may never ask us to command an army, then reduce that army down to 300 warriors to fight against thousands of our enemy, but whatever He does ask, if you just say Yes, our God will do mighty things through you too, not because you are great, but because He is great…

Judges 7-9:21

Gideon is one of the greatest stories in the Bible that illustrates how God intentionally uses the weak to do mighty things.

God did not, and does not, call people based on their ability, but their availability.

And I love how our great God reassured our weak Gideon today in Judges 7:10-11…

But if you are afraid to attack, go down to the camp with your servant Purah.  Listen to what the Midianites are saying, and you will be greatly encouraged. Then you will be eager to attack.

Why was it that God felt He had to reassure Gideon of the victory before the fighting began?  Do you remember yesterday that our reading ended with Gideon asking God not once, but twice to give him a sign that He was going to do what He promised?

So today, before Gideon could even ask for another sign, God went…

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Mercy Cove Currents

The Lord said to Gideon, “The people with you are too many for me to give the Midianites into their hand, lest Israel boast over me, saying, ‘My own hand has saved me.’  Now therefore proclaim in the ears of the people, saying, ‘Whoever is fearful and trembling, let him return home and hurry away from Mount Gilead.’” Then 22,000 of the people returned, and 10,000 remained.

Judges 7:2-3  ESV

Dear Abba,

It is our imperfect nature to gather strength and measure achievement in accelerating numbers and popularity.

Please forgive us and teach us to seek You.

Please pour Your pure and perfect wisdom into us until we realize that You alone are our success. Lord, refine our vision to reflect Your triumph.

Please help us lean on Your healing Love as You prune and shape us. And our circumstances.  Let Your peace cancel our protests and criticisms when You…

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Walking Through The Word


Today’s Bible reading: Judges 7-8:17; Luke 23:13-43; Psalm 97-98:9; Proverbs 14:7-8

Old Testament

Our story of Gideon continues today in Judges 7. Yesterday we saw God call Gideon to lead Israel against the Midianites who had been oppressing Israel for many years.

There was only one problem: Gideon had too many men. About 32,000 men had joined Gideon to fight Midian. If they had fought with all these men then Israel would have taken credit for their victory. But God wanted to get credit for the victory. Not because He is egotistical. But because people would believe in Him if Gideon was victorious with a vastly inferior army. God does everything for our benefit. His goal is to make Himself known to all the world so that people will believe in Him and be saved from hell. Lopsided victories from unlikely underdogs is one way He does that.

Eventually Gideon’s…

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another fantastic insight about gideon !

This I Know...

I attended the Going Beyond event in Lynchburg, Virginia this past weekend.  This was my first time hearing Priscilla Shirer teach and I was excited about what word God may have for me.

I walked into Thomas Road Baptist Church on Friday night feeling energized.  I just knew that God had something He wanted me to hear and I was on pins and needles to hear from him in that place.

We had a special time of worshipping God unrestrained.  Then Priscilla led us into a time of prayer, encouraging us to pray specifically for our reason for being there and anything else the Holy Spirit may reveal to us that we needed to talk to God about.  We were given some really great booklets with areas for notes and some devotions written by Priscilla.  I found the page titled “Prayer Experience” and began to write out what I needed…

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wow, have never seen this in Gideon before! brilliant and challenging!

Feasting at the King's Table

Two years.
That’s how long Gideon’s heroic story kept me spell-bound. I would have never guessed it could.
I mean, it is only Gideon after all.

His story has been told in more Sunday school classes and expanded into more lights-camera-action, Hollywood underdog movies than most every other story in the Bible.

So, when I began, I didn’t expect to uncover much more than what I’d already read, heard or seen before. Certainly didn’t think I’d write a book on him or the lessons I’d learned while peering into his life.

But then I began.

One verse led to another. One chapter to the next. One day parlayed into a month.

And one month ballooned into a couple years before I could blink. Once I started digging in – deeply – down below the surface of the written words, down to the places where only the Holy Spirit has the mining…

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loving this!

i love this new song by Darlene Zschech


behold the lamb of God

who takes away my sin

Lord Jesus crucified for me

your love has set me free

to you i give my all

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Worship Wednesday

1000 Things

May 2013