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I had heard this song – done this way – with a twist – sometime a few years ago.  It blew my heart away.  I stumbled across it this week and have had it on repeat 🙂

Here are the lyrics to show the conversation, through song, between ourselves and God.

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I love when a song just randomly comes on the radio or spotify and it begins to stir your heart.  It’s like listening to it for the very first time.

This song has done that for me today.

If you’re a reader here you’ll know of my fondness for a well crafted lyric video.  Yes seriously.  Something just ticks the boxes for me with a beautiful lyric video.  It makes my heart happy.   Here is one that does it for me.  And has a brilliant message too!


No matter what we face, God is with us.

In the storm.  In the raging wind.  In the hurricane of life.

In the fire.  In the pain.  In the trial.

In the tension.  In the unknown.

He is there.

Be still and know, really know to the core of your being, that He is God.

He is the One who created every wave, every mountain, every valley, every sunrise.

He is the One wiser than all human wisdom.

He is the One who loves with a love beyond description and measure.

Take heart.  Hold onto His truth.

I love good kiwi (and australian) homegrown music.  Worship Central AUNZ is a collaborative collection of worship leaders and musicians from both nations who came together to write and record music that reflects our heartbeat.

I also love songs about the mercy of God.  I am so thankful for His grace and mercy so abundantly lavished upon me.  In my flaws I am covered by mercy.  In my sin I am forgiven by mercy.  In my everyday His mercy is there.

I love the heart in this song.  To love others.  For mercy to triumph.  For people to see God and feel God THROUGH us.  That we, the children of God, would know God and make Him known.  That we would reflect His glory and grace.  To love with open arms, and erases all the lies, and sees the truth.  Beautiful.

Lyric videos make my heart happy.  Yes, thats seriously a thing!  Fonts.  Images.  I love it.  Is that weird?

I confess I got really excited about a new Kim Walker Smith album.  She has the most amazing voice and I just love her heart for Jesus!  I love this new album – love its musicality and heart.  Is very much an album that will stir your hunger and desire to see more and know more of God, to know Him and make Him known.


It’s good to have fast fun songs to worship Jesus with!  They stir the heart and get the blood pumping and get lift you out of a funk!

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Worship Wednesday

1000 Things

May 2024