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some of my favourite tweets from the past weekish…

@herbertcooper Your private devotion can determine your public anointing. Seek and honor God.


Pauldejongnz: Lets all focus on what’s at hand, because the truth is ‘We arrive tomorrow at the foundations we set today’"


@JohnPaulJackson The valleys teach us character, mountaintops are where we find out if we learned it.


@PaulTripp Don’t be discouraged at the messiness and unpredictability of your life. God is in the middle of the mess with his sovereign grace.


@randyMB In Christ’s immeasurable love He became what we are, in order to make us what He is.


@ElevationChurch "If you want to change what you see in someone, change what you say to them."


@ColeenYork God hears the cry of your heart. He hears every prayer you breathe. He rejoices when you rejoice and cries when you cry. He is ALWAYS close.


@mckinneyhammond A tree doesn’t get to pick where it’s planted but it grows anyway. Today choose to master your trial, don’t break character, grow!


@pwilson: God is not as interested in your ability today as he is your availability. #surrender"


@loswhit Nothing you do,say, or pray will add one ounce of work 2 what Christ did on the cross for you.It’s Finished.You can live now.


@prayer_coach "Scripture enables you to enter in prayer and empowers you to have confidence before God." – @KevinShorter


@RickWarren Cultural lies conform us but eternal truths transform us: See Romans 12:2


@nzkristenw You are not disqualified because you struggle. Simply decide to never give up… And let Jesus make ‘everything beautiful in it’s time’



and me:

Claire McLean@fireball3316 Because worth it