jesus face

He is the greatest man in history.  even TIME say that.

Jesus split time – before His birth BC, after His birth AD.


The world changes… but our need for Jesus never changes.  He never changes.  He is the same today as yesterday.  His power is the same today as yesterday.  His ability to save and transform and heal and set free is the same today as yesterday.  in 2011 some would claim we dont need God, that Jesus is irrelevant.  But then you talk to people.  in real life and online.  and there is a heart cry for forgiveness – to have the guilt removed – for a fresh start – to be loved. 

In his famous book Mere Christianity, C.S. Lewis makes this statement, "A man who was merely a man and said the sort of things Jesus said would not be a great moral teacher. He would either be a lunatic–on the level with a man who says he is a poached egg–or he would be the devil of hell. You must take your choice. Either this was, and is, the Son of God, or else a madman or something worse. You can shut him up for a fool or you can fall at his feet and call him Lord and God. But let us not come with any patronizing nonsense about his being a great human teacher. He has not left that open to us.”

Jesus was a carpenter, used to working with his hands, lifting heavy beams of wood, using his whole body to craft yokes for oxen and furniture for homes. When Jesus walked this earth, He didn’t fit the expectations of the religious community, or even his own disciples. He didn’t demand an ornate tower to preach from, He was born in the dust, His friends were the most controversial fringe elements of society – tax collector’s, prostitutes, lepers… Jesus touched those that were classed as outcasts and untouchables. Equally he called to those that were community leaders, soldiers, the wealthy. Jesus didn’t look at the exterior, he looked at the heart and gave everyone the opportunity to follow Him.

Jesus stood up for real truth, the truth that God was real and loved them and desired to be in relationship with them. He preached real love, real commitment to holy living and real commitment and relationship with God. He talked about eternity and the way to heaven, life and death, choices. This went against the grain of the religious leaders who had made “church” into a series of do this and dont do thats.

Jesus Christ made a claim that was breathtaking in it’s audacity. Where did He come from? Was He really God in the flesh? Why was the establishment of His day so frightened by His message that He had to die? Who is Jesus to you? Your life on this earth and for all of eternity is affected by your answer to this question.  Jesus said He was the one and only way to God, both for eternity and for this life too. Will you believe what He said?  Will you accept His invitation to freedom?


and the thing is… that we are called to demonstrate Jesus to the world around us.  there is a famous quote that says that usually before anyone picks up a bible they READ our lives first.  in other words, they look to us, followers of Jesus, to see what He has done for real in our lives to see if He is worth following for themselves. 


the goal of sharing your faith with another person isn’t simply to broadcast INFORMATION; its to be a channel that aids the Holy Spirit in His work of TRANSFORMATION.  @stickyjesus

God doesn’t NEED you to share your faith.  there’s no cape required. he’s almighty.  he can touch any heart at any moment, anywhere, in any way he chooses.  the glory and the gift of this holy equation is that he has called you.  he’s called you out of your stunted, insular self and into a limitless and vast relationship with him.  he will do a holy work in you and others each time you recount that story.  now that’s a transformational mission worth logging on for.  @stickyjesus

“the world is wired 24/7 for connection, but you’ve secured the most coveted connection – Jesus Christ.” @stickyjesus


this chapter of @stickyjesus encourages us to be aware that we are representatives of this awesome Jesus and that our mission is to replicate ourselves and our lives to reveal Him.

what we say – reflects.

what we do – reflects.

it makes me aware of the connections i make and the friendships i form, and it makes me aware of the content i broadcast, from status updates to links i share and comments i make.  i try to think before i speak.  i try to speak words of hope and encouragement.  at all times my heart leans towards being a good ambassador.  and that reflects my life – that in EVERY season i can trust God and trust His hand at work in my life. in the good seasons and the hard seasons we can show our trust and our love. 

we are designed to be connected to Him and also to others.  family members. friends.  workmates.  children’s friends.  children’s friends parents.  checkout chicks at the supermarket.  our doctor.  the postman.  there are people in our lives all around us that God has placed there.  our friends online are people that God is connecting to us – His ambassadors. 

we not just saved, we are sent.  we are not just rescued, we are recruited. 

we are filled with Holy Spirit to fulfil His mission here on earth – that we would be living breathing demonstrations of the reality of God.


“Love compelled God to send His holy Son – The Holy One – to establish relationship with us, the unholy.” @stickyjesus

i so love that quote.  love compelled Jesus to go to the cross and i pray that love compels me to share the reality of God and the Good News with those around me.



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